Channel: Surf camp Praia da Pipa Hostel Brasil – Surf school in a tropical paradise surfschule Brazil

Treinamento Psicológico


Treinamento Psicológico


    É comum no esporte de hoje em dia, atletas de alto nível técnico não obterem os resultados desejados em suas competições. Acredita-se que isto ocorre por muitos motivos, como: o nivelamento dos atletas, a exigência e pressão por resultados positivos, entre outros, por isso, cada vez mais se busca aprimorar e desenvolver novas técnicas. Dentre elas existe o treinamento psicológico, que vem se mostrando, com o passar dos anos, uma ferramenta muito útil para a obtenção de resultados no esporte. Segundo Becker Jr. (2002), a utilização de técnicas de treinamento psicológico possibilitam aprender, variar e aperfeiçoar as capacidades cognitivas. Dentre elas existe a motivação, um fator chave para o desenvolvimento do interesse e auto-estima do atleta. Segundo Roberts (1995), a motivação tem um papel muito importante na vida das pessoas, mas, lamentavelmente, um fator pouco entendido no meio prático.

    No esporte são exigidas muitas capacidades dos atletas e infelizmente muitos profissionais ainda não têm o interesse em trabalhar o fator psicológico do atleta de uma maneira contínua, a fim de melhorar ainda mais sua performance. Segundo Weinberg e Gould (2001), por muitas vezes o treinamento psicológico é negligenciado por falta de conhecimento, percepção, falta de tempo ou à idéia de que as habilidades psicológicas são inatas ao ser humano e não podem ser treinadas. Becker Jr.(2002) ressalta, que o treinamento psicológico e o treinamento físico deveriam desenvolver-se juntos, até a formação de uma unidade, sendo que os programas de treinamento dos atletas devem levar em conta e integrar ambas as formas de maneira bem distribuída. O presente estudo pretende esclarecer a questão prática da motivação, com o auxilio de técnicas de treinamento psicológico.

Treinamento Psicológico

    A incessante busca por fama, dinheiro e resultados milagrosos, fazem com que algumas pessoas não se beneficiem com os aprendizados de um treinamento psicológico sério. Felizmente o treinamento psicológico vem aos poucos recebendo uma atenção especial da área científica nos últimos anos. Mais, especificamente, a área esportiva está aderindo às mais variadas técnicas de Treinamento Psicológico, tanto para melhorar fatores psicológicos, quanto aperfeiçoar habilidades físicas de atletas. Além dos resultados positivos que alguns estudos trazem, treinadores e psicólogos estão provando para o mundo que, além do treinamento físico, o treinamento psicológico também é imprescindível para a obtenção de resultados no esporte.

Estudos sobre o Treinamento Psicológico

    Em um estudo científico, Scalon et al (2004), concluiu que o treinamento mental (uma das técnicas de treinamento psicológico) é uma variável importante tanto para a melhora da performance, quanto para a aquisição de habilidades motoras. O Treinamento Mental deve, também, ser planificado e bem planejado, respeitando a individualidade biológica e psicológica de cada atleta.

    Segundo Becker Jr. (2002) o treinamento psicológico proporciona ao atleta a aprendizagem, manutenção e aperfeiçoamento psicofísico. Para Perez (1995), o objetivo do treinamento psicológico é melhorar as habilidades psicofísicas que influem no rendimento esportivo, bem como nos protagonistas do meio (esportistas, treinadores e etc.). Essas habilidades são:

  • Organização da carreira esportiva;

  • Automotivação;

  • Confronto de situações estressantes;

  • Controle da tensão;

  • Adaptação às cargas de treinamento e mudanças ambientais.

    Nitsch (apud BECKER JR., 2002 : 14) afirma: “o objetivo e a meta do Treinamento psicológico é a modificação dos processos e estados psíquicos (percepção, pensamento, motivação), ou seja as bases psíquicas da regulação do movimento. Essa modificação será alcançada com a ajuda de procedimentos psicológicos”.

    Através de medidas psicológicas de treinamento, os objetivos finais podem ser alcançados. Estes objetivos são (Becker jr.,2002):

  • Auto- regulação da atividade;

  • Influência sobre a habilidade;

  • Manejo da auto-imagem;

  • Recuperação e reabilitação do atleta;

  • Motivação.

    O aumento da motivação se dá a partir de técnicas de preparação psicológicas. Em seus estudos, os autores Bandura, Duncan e Mcauley (apud BECKER JR, 2002), mostram resultados similares ao constatarem que técnicas de visualização incrementam o nível de motivação do atleta. Porém um fator importantíssimo nas sessões de imaginação é o conteúdo das mesmas. Bandura, sugere que a visualização seja positiva, contendo situações de êxito, para que a motivação aumente.

The post Treinamento Psicológico appeared first on Surfcamp Praia da Pipa Hostel Brasil - Albergue Hostel Surf and sup school in a tropical paradise surfschule Brazil.

Surfing in the Olympic game 2020



“My brother, who is an engineer and has quite a systematic mind, asked me a year ago after the IOC vote (approving the addition of surfing to the programme for the 2020 Games) ‘do you know how many hours you have put into this?’ I said, ‘of course not’ and he replied, ’12,000 hours,’” Aguerre laughed.

The Argentinean admits it “sounds like a lot” but then again his journey did begin back in 1994. Aguerre, then the newly-elected president of the ISA, got a letter from the IOC confirming official recognition for his organisation.

“I thought, bingo, I am in the Games and with Sydney six years away I was like ‘this is perfect, this is a dream’, but of course when I called them they said ‘no, no it doesn’t work like that’,” Aguerre explained.

“And then I realised I had been invited to the lobby of the hotel but the party was at the penthouse.”


The amiable Aguerre is quick to point out that, of course, surfing’s association with the Olympic Games in fact goes back long before his involvement. In 1920, Duke Kahanamoku, Hawaii’s three-time Olympic swimming gold medallist and the man hailed as the father of modern surfing, asked the IOC to consider including surfing.

“Now 100 years, that is a long time for anyone to wait,” said Aguerre, who became inspired, perhaps even obsessed, with Kahanamoku’s mission.


The now 59-year-old already had a history of beating formidable odds before he took on the Olympic challenge. A member of the first Argentinean team to compete at the World Surfing Championships, the avid sportsman founded and ran Argentina’s surfing association during the military dictatorship in the 1970s, even defying a local ban on the sport. He also found time to set up the iconic global surf brand, Reef.

All that, he acknowledges, was to prove wonderfully simple in comparison to completing Kahanamoku’s mission. After visiting Juan Samaranch in 1995 and giving the IOC President a surfing lesson on the floor of his office, things went a little flat for Aguerre.

“We had paddled out but there were no waves,” Aguerre said. “We kind of figured out that waves were going to come at some point but we didn’t really know when they were going to come because they were out of our control.”


By 2007/08 Aguerre had put his campaign into overdrive, attending IOC gatherings and meeting as many members as humanly possible. But surfing was, as he candidly admits, “so far out of the process”.

“For me the first indicator that there might be waves on the horizon was when I wrote to candidate Thomas Bach in mid-2013, talking about youth and action sports… and he responded positively,” Aguerre said.

“Then he got elected and started talking about Agenda 2020 and it was approved and then I realised this looked like real waves.”

Suddenly things began to tumble into place. First, in 2015 surfing was unanimously voted on to the programme for the 2019 Pan American Games, in Lima, Peru. And then came the big one, in Rio de Janeiro, on the eve of the 2016 Olympic Games.

The “real work” has started now and the high is, for Aguerre, clearly still intoxicating.

“Now they (young people) don’t need to become tennis players or track and field athletes, they can be surfers and Olympians,” the Argentine said with obvious pride.


An impressive 47 teams took part in the ISA’s World Surfing Games in Biarritz, France this year, up from 26 in 2015. The potential for smaller nations to exponentially grow their participation and success rates excites Aguerre.

“Some of the best waves in the world happen in the poorest nations of the world. These are free playgrounds and there are not many of those,” he said.

This, combined with an ever narrowing gender gap – the World Surf League’s Championship Tour hands out equal prize money per surfer for women and men – animates Aguerre even further.

“It’s great for society which has been unfairly treating women for thousands of years,” he said. “In the ocean it doesn’t matter, the ocean doesn’t care if you are Bill Gates’ son or the son of the janitor, black, white, poor, old, young, male or female or anything else.”


Naturally, the ISA president is not limiting his focus to the Tokyo Games in three years’ time and is openly delighted to have both Paris and Los Angeles on the horizon, places that “really get the action sports culture”. But first, 2020. Plans are being made for a surfing festival with yoga, art, music, coaching and environmental discussions all set to light up Tsurigasaki beach, 90km south-east of Tokyo.

“It’s an opportunity for a huge legacy, a cultural experience not just a sport competition,” Aguerre said.

But when he looks back on the 12,000 hours and considers all the skills he might have mastered in that time, has it truly been worth his dedication?

“Knowing what I know now I would have taken it (inclusion in 2020) but knowing what I knew then, I would have probably said, ‘that’s a quarter-of-a-century away, are you kidding me?’” he laughed again.

“But I guess the best cake takes a long time in the oven.”


Fernando Aguerre, president of the International Surfing Association (ISA), has dedicated much of the past two decades of his life to securing surfing a spot at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Here, the Argentinean re-lives the extraordinary journey to achieving his dream.

Source: Welcome to the wonderful world of surfing - Olympic News

The post Surfing in the Olympic game 2020 appeared first on Surfcamp Praia da Pipa Hostel Brasil - Albergue Hostel Surf and sup school in a tropical paradise surfschule Brazil.

Vacanze in Brasile nord est paradiso tropicale Pipa


Il Rio Grande de Norte si trova nel nord-est del Brasile e ha come capitale la città di Natal.  Con poco più di 3 milioni di abitanti lo stato ha il forte flusso di turismo e attrae più di 2 milioni di visitatori l’anno, attratti dalla bellezza naturale delle sue spiagge, montagne e deserto; ricca di risorse naturali come petrolio e  minerali e sopratutto per  l’ospitalità del popolo Potiguar nota e riconosciuta nei suoi abitanti. Situato nel “angolo” del continente, il RN ha  410 km di costa corniciato da dune sabbiose e scogliere, rendendolo l’attuale meta n. 1  del Nord-est brasiliano. Il clima tropicale favorisce l’economia ed è conosciuto come uno dei principali esportatori di frutta e gamberi. Il RN è formato da 167 comuni e ha il miglior indice di aumento di popolazione del Nord-est. Oltre alla capitale, Natal,  le località più visitate sono la città di Mossoró  e le spiagge di Pipa,  Genipabu e Maracajau. Ma non è solo sole e mare che delizia i visitatori. In tutto il territorio, la cucina è un punto forte, essendo ricco di frutti di mare, carni bovine, fagioli verdi e macaxeira.

IL ‘RN è bagnato dall’Oceano Atlantico a nord e ad est, confina con lo Stato di Ceará ad ovest e a  sud con lo stato di Paraiba. Ie principali vie di accesso sono la statale BR 101 autostrada verso il sud del Brasile e autostrada BR 304 a nord-ovest verso il Brasile. L’accesso via mare è consentito dal Porto di Natal e per  il Porto di Areia Branca, a nord dello stato. L’accesso principale aereo è l’aereoporto Augusto Severo International Airport, situato nel comune di Parnamirim, nell’area metropolitana di Natal.


o_rn_historiaGli antichi abitanti della regione sono gli indiani Potiguares, che in lingua Tupi significa “mangiatore di gamberetti”. Il nome dello stato, tuttavia, si riferisce a Rio Potengi che ha la sua sorgente nel comune di Cerro Cora e la sua foce a Praia do Meio, a Natal. Le prime spedizioni portoghesi e spagnole passarono attraverso la regione tra il 1499 e il 1501. Durante i primi decenni del secolo. XVI, tuttavia, l’area era dominata dai pirati francesi che stabilirono un  commercio di sequoia e di altre ricchezze con gli indiani locali, mantenendo questo dominio della regione fino alla metà del 1530 quando furono espulsi dai Portoghesi. Durante i 20 anni che seguirono, i coloni portoghesi, ufficiali proprietari dei terreni donati dalla Corona portoghese, intrapresero intense battagle con le tribù indigene della regione, nel tentativo di colonizzare la fascia di Rio Grande. La vittoria finale avvenne nel 1598 e fu celebrata con la costruzione della Fortaleza dos Reis Magos ( Forte dei Re Magi ). La regione subi un altro momento turbolento nella storia, con l’invasione olandese, iniziata intorno al 1625. Senza incontrare molta resistenza  e avendo gli indiani come principali alleati, gli olandesi hanno preso il controllo della regione nel 1633 e l’occupazione è durata circa 21 anni. Nel 1654, gli olandesi sono stati definitivamente espulsi dal Portogallo che colonizzò totalmente la regione.

Conoscendo il RN

Il potenziale turistico del Rio Grande do Norte è stato suddiviso in 5 settori: Agreste / Trairí (formata dal sud-est dello Stato e che confina con la Paraiba), Costa das Dunes (formata da tutta la costa nord e sud), la Costa Branca ( formata dalla costa a nord fino al confine con la costa del Ceara all’interno dello Stato), Serrano (formato dalle città della regione meridionale dello stato) e Seridó (formato dalle città più a sud dello stato). Pertanto, il potenziale del turismo dello stato è mappata in base alle sue principali attrazioni, dove ogni Polo è una sorpresa e offre esperienze uniche per i suoi visitatori. Le principali attrazioni del RN sono: estensioni di pietra e roccie, interessanti per un turismo di avventura, turismo di sole e di mare, il turismo economico, il turismo scientifico e archeologico, l’ecoturismo, il turismo d’affari e manifestazioni varie. Navigare nel Portale Turistico del RN è un viaggio virtuale di centinaia di mete, attrazioni e  destinazioni che lo Stato offre. Nel dubbio, entra in una delle opzioni e sii il benvenuto nel Rio Grande do Norte!

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The Best places for Backpacker in Brazil


Bay after bay, beach after beach, wave after wave – the coast of Brazil contains more gorgeous spots than some continents dream of. It’s no surprise that Brazil is a dream destination for those searching some good surf – if that’s you, make sure to put these locations on your list.

Morro de São Paulo

This picture-perfect paradise of white sands lined with palm trees and bordered by clear blue water can be found at the tip of Tinharé Island, across from Salvador’s coast. Its tropical appeal draws in locals and travelers during the high season who come for the beach days and open-air nightlife. There are beachside bars that typically stay open late, serve caipirinhas, and have music and dancing.The blue seas of Morro de São Paulo© LíviaBuhring/Wikimedia Commons

The blue seas of Morro de São Paulo


Located on Bahia’s jaw-dropping coastline, Salvador has a casual vibe that trumps Rio de Janeiro’s laid-back attitude. And though you might think Salvador is a sleepy city, it vibrates with energy and has a great mix of African heritage, stunning architecture, tantalizing rhythms, and a buzzing nightlife scene. Its many hostels range from budget-friendly to pricy and from tranquil to classic college dorm.

Foz do Iguaçu

The quiet town of Foz do Iguaçu is one of Brazil’s largest tourist attractions, thanks to the Iguaçu Falls. This roar of cascades straddling the borders of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay will leave you speechless and their enormity provides hours worth of hiking trails and unique photo opportunities. It is also a popular backpacking spot with an overwhelming number of hostels. While the nightlife there is as quiet as the waterfalls are impressive, most of the hostels have a bar and an outdoor area for mingling and meeting like-minded travelers.Foz do Iguaçu waterfalls© Maxpixels

Foz do Iguaçu waterfalls

Rio de Janeiro

The city that leaves the greatest impression on most of its visitors, Rio de Janeiro is the number one backpacking spot in Brazil. With stunning landscapes, miles of beaches, and a samba-fuelled party scene, there are few cities in the world like Rio. The best hostels are located in the south zone of the city in Ipanema, Copacabana, and Botafogo, yet those looking to be in the heart of the nightlife should head to Lapa. Rio also makes a great jumping-off point for visiting other popular backpacking spots such as Ilha Grande, Búzios, and Paraty.Rio de Janeiro© ASSY/Pixabay

Rio de Janeiro


Jericoacoara is a small resort town a four-hour drive from the much larger Fortaleza and has little in terms of commerce and shopping. However, that’s exactly where its charm lies—its gorgeous stretches of white sandy beaches with relaxed vibes are what draw in backpackers more than anything else. It’s a great spot to settle down for a few days, chill out with some locals and fellow travelers, and watch (or join in) the windsurfing, the sport Jericoacoara is renowned for.Jericoacoara hammocks© Bart van Dorp/Flickr

Jericoacoara hammocks

São Paulo

São Paulo may not have the breathtaking natural scenery of Rio de Janeiro, nor the warm, bath-like ocean of Salvador, but it oozes urban life with its towering skyscrapers, cultural events, and some of the best nightlife in Brazil. It’s a huge city with a population of 12 million people, so planning your day is important to get the most out of your time there. With hundreds of quirky, eclectic, and social hostels throughout the city, it’s a great place to meet fellow backpackers while feeling embraced in Brazilian culture.São Paulo, the concrete jungle© Francisco Anzola/Wikimedia Commons

São Paulo, the concrete jungle


Located in the south of Brazil, Floripa (as it’s often shortened to) is known for its abundance of beautiful beaches and for its excellent surfing spots that regularly host surf championships. The colonial center is a dream to wander through and has a varitey of charming cafés, quality restaurants, and funky bars. The fact that the area also has a solid nightlife helps attracts thousands of backpackers each year who have plenty of great hostels to choose from.

Praia da Pipa

Lying south of Natal, a large city in the north, Pipa is a small yet dynamic beach town with lazy white beaches and rolling sand dune landscapes. The surrounding sea is an underwater paradise for those who love snorkeling and diving with colorful fish, turtles, and dolphins who visit the shoreline regularly. Despite its small size, it’s a popular party region, especially among Brazilian students and backpackers. Try going there for a weekend break to make the most of the daytime natural attractions and the great Saturday parties.Pipa Beach© Bjørn Christian Tørrissen/Wikimedia Commons

Pipa Beach


Known as the eco-tourism haven of Brazil, Bonito provides access to the less visited areas of the Pantanal as well as its own unique and dazzling attractions: crystal clear rivers teeming with freshwater fish, underground caves riddled with stalagmites, and a rich ecosystem of exotic birds and wildlife. Despite the area’s overall priciness, it’s still popular with backpackers and there are plenty of friendly and social hostels to stay in.


The main appeal of Manaus for backpackers is its proximity to the Amazon rainforest. The city sits on the banks of the Negro River, a large river that flows into the Amazon River just outside the city. Though there are plenty of guided tours through the jungle to choose from, one of the most popular ways to experience the forest is to stay in a jungle lodge that provides food, basic amenities, and the chance to camp outside for one night in the wilderness. There are also river cruises that gently chug down the Amazon river, stopping at points of interest and offering on-board lodging for a few days.

The post The Best places for Backpacker in Brazil appeared first on Surfcamp Praia da Pipa Hostel Brasil - Albergue Hostel Surf and sup school in a tropical paradise surfschule Brazil.

The Best surf destination for 2019


Planning an epic surf trip for 2019 and trying to narrow down the list of top surf destinations?

From firm favourites like J’Bay to lesser known spots like Newcastle in Australia – I chatted to some of my fellow wandering surfers to bring you the list of Top Surf Destinations For 2019, covering everything from the best beginner surf destinations to spots for those chasing epic barrels….


Margherita from the Crowded Planet

best surf destinations 2019 coffee bay south africa

During our month-long road trip across South Africa last year, one of my wishes was learning how to surf, and so I ended up having lessons in various places around the Garden Route and Wild Coast – and my favourite surfing beach was definitely Coffee Bay!

Well, I may be biased because it’s the first place where I actually managed to stand up without falling in the ocean, but to be honest I also preferred it to places like Cape Town and J-Bay first of all because it was less crowded, and the water was also much warmer!

The best base for surfing in Coffee Bay is the wonderful Coffee Shack Hostel, where you can stay in dorms or double rooms located in rondavels (traditional huts), or even camp on a lawn near the beach. The place is popular with backpackers so if you like the ‘hostel atmosphere’ you’ll love it – and you can also join the cheapest surf lessons in the world at only 50 rand per person!


Jules from Dont Forget To Move

Bingin Beach, on the Bukit peninsula of Bali, is not only an awesome spot to surf, but this sleepy little beach is perfect for a few days of relaxing and taking in local Balinese life.

Bingin is a left handed reef break, so be prepared to throw on the booties and brave the jagged reef below.  

On high tide cruise across the face of a fatter, smoother ride that peels down the coastline. As the tide drops, the wave starts to hollow out against a very shallow reef underneath. When the swell is up you could find yourself in a nice little barrel, but be aware you could also be surfing across a few feet of water.  

There are a number of awesome guesthouses, Airbnbs and hostels to stay at while visiting Bingin, and I’d highly recommend Kelly’s for smoothies and breakfast in the morning, and visiting the beach at night for fresh seafood cooked on the beach for dinner.  

Another notable location just a short 25min boat ride from Bali island is Nusa Lembongan, where you’ll find a perfect snapshot of what bustling Bali would have looked like before the tourist invasion.

With half a dozen prime surf breaks, the lineups aren’t super crowded and the waves are well worth the boat trip over.


Ben from Horizon Unknown

best surf destinations Newcastle, Australia

Australia is a well-known country for beaches and surfing. A lesser known gem on the east coast is a city by the name of Newcastle.

Often overlooked by travellers to Australia, Newcastle is a great destination if you’re looking to catch some great breaks. There are many golden sandy beaches hugging the shoreline of Newcastle, each providing different conditions and swell, so there’s something to suit every surfer!

If you’re looking for a multi-day trip, there are plenty of hostels and hotels scattered throughout the centre of the city. Ranging from around $25 and up, there’s always an option to suit your budget and needs.

For land-based activities, make sure you visit Nobby’s Lighthouse. The most iconic figure of Newcastle, this pure white tower is hard to miss. You can also learn about convict history that helped shaped this city throughout many memorials and catch a beautiful sunset at the newly built ANZAC Memorial Walk.

There’s plenty of reasons to visit Newcastle, Australia other than the amazing surf available all year round – if you’re game enough to brave the chilly waters in winter.


Harriet from Hats Off World

The tiny island of Siargao really does epitomise the mantra ‘eat sleep surf repeat”. Known for its amazing waves and home to the famous barrelling “Cloud 9” spot, Siargao in the Philippines is one of the best places for surf in the world.

For a small island, there are a ton of incredible spots you can go to! From the powerful left at Stimpys, to the long right hander at Rock Island, to the even longer left at Cemetary, or the heavy Quicksilver – these are just a few of the long list of fun waves there.  

Not all the spots in Siargao are crazy double-overhead barrels though; if you’re just starting out, Jacking Horse, Guian and Daku are some of the easier, less-terrifying waves on the island.

While it’s becoming more popular, it’s still a very sleepy island. There’s little wifi and often no cash (the ATMs run out of cash most weeks!) so make sure you stock up on cash before you go so you can enjoy the slow pace of Siargao life. Don’t worry though, the island wakes up at night with a different event on every night of the week, often ending after 4 or 5am.

The most sociable places to stay are Kermits, Harana and Bravo –  and make sure you book early as spots get snapped up well in advance. Even if you don’t manage to stay at Kermits, check out restaurant as they have pretty amazing wood fired pizza!

With waves for every level, the clearest blue sea, and super chilled vibes, Siargao is definitely my favourite surf spot.


Charlotte from A Broad On A Board

If crowded breaks aren’t your thing, pack your board and get yourself to Mozambique. Still relatively under the radar, the coastline of Mozambique is littered with great surf spots, although many of them are still uncharted territory. The main surf towns are Ponta D’Ouro on the southern most border, and the Inhambane Province where you’ll find Tofo (a fun beach break) and Tofinho (a super fun point break).

The water is crystal clear, turquoise, and warm all year round. The best time to go for surf is April to September. You might get waves outside of these months but more than likely the wind will be messing them up. Even in the season the wind and swell can be a tiny bit fickle, but if there’s no surf, Mozambique is a great place for scuba diving and one of the best places in the world to see whale sharks.

A Mozambique surf trip isn’t the for the newbie traveller; Africa in general can be pretty intense, and it’s not the easiest place to get around, but once you get to the beach it’s so worth it! Learning a few words of Portuguese will also go a long way.


Greta from Gretas Travels

If you’re looking for one of the best surf destinations of 2019, Fuerteventura in Spain needs to feature on your surfing bucket list. Fuerteventura is the second biggest island in the Canary Islands and is located just 100km away from the coast of Africa. 

Fuerteventura is a popular destination for all sorts of water sports, thanks to the prime wind and wave conditions that make it perfect for windsurfing, kitesurfing and surfing.   

The surfing conditions are especially good in winter due to decreased storm activity around the equator and tide levels, which mean smaller waves but more even; perfect for beginners.

Winter is also low season, meaning that accommodation and flights will be cheaper and there won’t be big crowds trying to catch your same waves. In low season you can get accommodation at a surf house and surf classes for less than 30 EUR per day.  

I spent one week at a surf camp in Fuerteventura as a complete beginner and by the end of the week found I could easily stand on the board. The surf camp was in the town of Corralejo, in the north of the island, close to all the popular surfing beaches.

Corralejo has plenty to offer also once you get off the surf board, from trendy beach bars to cute restaurants along the harbour.  


Campbell & Alya from Stingy Nomads

The well-known surf town Jeffreys Bay has white sand beaches, nice seafood, a chilled lifestyle and perfect waves.  

Jeffreys is famous for one of the world’s best right hand point breaks and is on the bucket list of most serious surfers.  

What I love about Jeffreys is it has waves that cater for all skill levels. The foamies and sandy bottom for beginners at Dolphin Beach, progress to the chilled out waves at the point break at Kitchen Windows and the more hollow waves at Point if you know what you are doing, slower than Supers, but it gets big out there! 

The perfection of the wave at Supertubes is seen as the best in the world for a good reason.  

A long, fast, heavy wave, this gnarly wave can be the ride of your life! If you want to shop for some surf clothes Jeffreys must also be one of the best spots in the world.

With a ton of factory shops selling authentic Billabong, Rip Curl, Hurley and more, you will go home with awesome new threads for a fraction of the cost. Come with an empty backpack.


Lora from Explore With Lora

Sri Lanka is quickly becoming a popular destination for surf. It’s cheap, full of friendly locals, and home to world-class beaches and waves all throughout the countries coastline.

Weligama, on the South Coast of Sri Lanka, is the perfect place to learn or brush up on your surf skills. 

The waves here are perfect for beginners, but if you paddle further out there are some bigger waves for the more advanced surfers.  

Plus, there are over 30 surf schools within a 500m radius in Weligama, so there’s no shortage of professional lessons for those wanting to learn. Check out Elsewhere Yoga & Surf Camp, which is happy to host both newbies and professional surfers.

Weekly accommodation rates start at 340 Euros during high season (October – March), and become even cheaper during low season. If you need to re-fuel your appetite after surfing there’s no shortage of restaurants in Weligama.

Check out Hangten Rooftop Restaurant across from Weligama Bay, where you can enjoy a delicious and healthy meal, and watch the surfers below.    


Oksana & Max from Drink Tea & Travel

If catching waves is your thing, then Costa Rica should be a bucket list destination! With warm water and world-class waves all year round, Costa Rica is haven for surfers of all experience levels.

Some of the best waves we’ve experienced have been in Playa Negra and Playa Avellanas. Both beaches are located just 2km from each other along the Pacific Coast in Guanacaste, so you can easily experience both and compare the waves! Playa Negra is so good it was even featured in an episode of the famous surfing movie called Endless Summer.

Both Playa Avellanas and Playa Negra are best suited for intermediate and experienced surfers, but they do have suitable spots for the novice surfer as well. Beginners will also be happy to know that both beaches have resident surf schools on site with surf instructors who have been surfing the local waves for years!

We recommend using Playa Avellanas as your base to explore the region. The laid-back beach community has more to offer than just great breaks and has plenty of hotel options for every budget and every type of traveler. There are also a few restaurants and cafes, yoga studios and lots of other non surfing activities nearby. It’s a perfect destination to experience Costa Rica to the fullest!


Carlos from A Brother Abroad

Bali is a great place to learn to surf, with forgiving, beginner friendly waves, soft beach breaks, easy & cheap board rental, and cheap lessons all around.

For beginners, Batu Bolong beach is the perfect place to start. 

Head to Old Man’s Bar, in front of Batu Bolong Beach, where you’ll find plenty of surfboard rental shops right next to the parking lot.  Board rental will run you $3.50 USD for two hours of surfing, and that includes long foam boards to short boards and everything between the two.  If you opt for lessons, $14 USD will get you two hours of lessons and a surf guide including board and rash guard rental.

Once you’re at an intermediate surfing level and decent on a shorter board, head to Berawa beach in front of Finn’s resort for head high waves with plenty of power

For costs beyond the surf experience, plan to spend $7-$10 USD per night on a good hostel (consider the Escape Hostel if you’re up to party), or $15-$20 per night for a private room at a guesthouse or hotel, easily booked via Booking.com.  Eating local will run $2-$4 a meal while “posh western” meals with a beer will set you back $7 USD on average.


Brittany from The Sweet Wanderlust

When I joined a week-long surf and yoga retreat with Azrac Surf Morocco in Tamraght, 10 miles north of Agadir, my surfing skills were practically non-existent.

However, after a week on the waves near the chill, surfer town nestled in the foothills of the Berber mountains, I found myself consistently catching waves.

With great weather and awesome surf year-round, beginners will find suitable waves any time of year. For intermediate and advanced surfers, the months of October through April promise more advanced waves with dominant North-Westerly swells from the Atlantic. 

Buy mint tea and donuts from vendors on the beach or walk to Babakoul post-surf for a delicious date and avocado smoothie or msemen (Moroccan pancake). You’ll find dozens of surf hostels in this little village, but I enjoyed my all-inclusive experience with Azrac Surf, staying in a guest house where all meals were cooked by the amazing Saadia with fresh ingredients from the local souk. 


Daniel from Layer Culture

If you’re heading to Brazil and looking for the best surfing destinations, you can’t miss Pipa in Northern Brazil.

The great news is that Pipa is known by fellow surfers but not so known by many backpackers yet. This means you can surf in harmony and enjoy the perfect chilled hippy/bohemian vibe to be able to relax.  

So, if you’re looking for a surf spot with world-class waves with a short 10-minute walk from the laid-back hippy town; here you have it. The spot is for beginners and experts and you can expect to see dolphins on the horizon if you go at the right time of the year.  

If looking for more ideas you can check my Brazil guide which has more great ideas for surfing spots you can check out in Northern Brazil.    


Inma from A World To Travel
The Cantabric sea and Atlantic Ocean shores of Galicia, in Southern Europe, have attracted surfers since the seventies. However, it is still possible to find a few gorgeous spots with sweet uncrowded peaks these days, what makes this destination a gem for everyone in love with this sport.

Now, please don’t expect me to reveal any secret spots in here right now. I am based there and appreciate both my life and desert beaches.

Yet, if you want to give Galicia a try, here are three beaches that won’t disappoint you: 

PANTIN: One of the most famous among international surfers, this Valdoviño beach has hosted the Pantin Classic Pro (European WSL) since 1988.

Its somewhat rocky bottom makes surveillance a must, hence sometimes the red flag will prevent people to go in. In any case, this one is next to other great four Ferrol beaches (all oriented differently) so there’s always a chance of a great bath.

ORZAN: Coruña’s main beach along with Riazor, has three different spots to suit both beginners and advanced surfers: Matadero, Middle Peak and Camallón. 

A Coruña Surf Pro, part of the WSL Qualifying Series, is held there yearly.

PATOS: The Southernmost of the three is located in Nigrán, next to the lively city of Vigo and very close to the Portuguese border.

However, don’t expect the water temperature to get any better. Galicia’s mild climate in Spring and Summer usually keeps the water temperature well below 20°C. 

Nigran has also two spots where to choose from: La Playa (aka ‘the beach’) where waves are great for beginners and plenty surf camps can be found, and El Pico (that literally means ‘The Peak’) suited for experienced surfers


Pasmina from The Gone Goat

Surfing in Taiwan, is that even possible? A hidden spot and a dream for travellers who love high waves, blue ocean and the peace and quiet of Taiwan’s east coast. Taiwan’s surfing spot is unlike anything I have ever seen and experienced.

Set against a backdrop of green lush mountains, riding the waves in Taiwan is described as the surf of the world-class and the Hawaii of the east, thanks to its seasonal typhoons.

Head over to Kenting National Park, Jialeshui Beach where it is located on the east side of the park. With great winds all year round, and a stunning variety of waves with all the right facilities, the beach caters to all levels of surfers. Stay in the quirky Winson House and be treated to stunning views of surfers in action as you enjoy your hearty breakfast.

And once you’re in for more adventures, discover Taiwan’s east coast on a bicycle or take a slow ride along the beach.


Ayngelina from Bacon Is Magic

Although the country of Nicaragua is going through turmoil with civil unrest, the beach town of San Juan del Sur, which is not far from Costa Rica, has maintained stability.

However, local businesses in this surfing spot have suffered as international tourism is down. 

A number of hotels and resorts are offering discounts to entice travelers to visit from pricier Costa Rica, and of course you can eat traditional Nicaraguan food for a few dollars a meal, making it one of the best value destinations for world class surfing.


Claudia from My Adventures Across The World

Most people visit Sardinia in the summer to enjoy the gorgeous beaches. What most people don’t know is that surfing in Sardinia is great, and this is one of the best locations in the Mediterranean to enjoy this watersport. 

The island is huge, so there are plenty of places to go surfing depending on the time of year and the wind. As the Mediterranean is a closed sea, waves are dependent on winds and temperatures so surfing in Sardinia is typically better in the winter months. 

One of the best surfing spots in Sardinia is Putzu Idu, on the Sinis Peninsula on the west coast of the island and not far from Oristano, one of the main cities in Sardinia. Putzu Idu is a gorgeous white sand beach that is regularly swept by the wind, thus getting good quality waves. Not far from it, Capu Mannu gets some of the biggest waves in the Mediterranean, especially when the mistral wind blows. 

Despite its reputation for being an expensive place, Sardinia can be extremely budget friendly if you organize your trip in advance. There are plenty of camping sites scattered around the island, as well as good hotels and guest houses. The daily costs of traveling around Sardinia can vary greatly also depending on the time of year, with August being the peak season. 



Article from Stoken for Travel

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The Oi Rio Pro, Stop No. 5 of the Championship Tour, commences on June 20th in Saquarema, Brazil.


The Oi Rio Pro, Stop No. 5 of the Championship Tour, commences on June 20th in Saquarema, Brazil. The CT first made its debut in Rio in 1976 and has come and gone as a stop over the decades. While other CT events have been held in different regions of Brazil, the Tour event returned to the Rio zone in 2011 and has ran consecutively there ever since.

Saquarema is roughy 50 miles (100 km) east of Rio and has a population of 80,000. The zone has often been referred to as "The Capital of Brazilian Surfing." The event packs the beach with thousands of surf fans each year giving the contest an arena like feel.

Watch: Oi Rio Pro Live June 20-280:30The Oi Rio Pro will witness the WSL elite trade barrels, turns and airs in front of the most passionate fans on Tour.

There are two waves on offer at Saquarema for the Oi Rio Pro: Itaúna and Barrinha. Itaúna is the more consistent of the two and is anticipated to be the primary wave for the event. Both waves are beachbreaks flanked by rock features that refract swells into consistent and rippable wedges. When given enough swell, both waves barrel. Both venues provide a canvas for single-maneuver perfect scores.

Itaúna works best on a low to mid tide and picks up swells from the south, east-southeast, southeast and southwest. The spot can hold waves up to triple-overhead but is best at chest to double-overhead sizes. On larger swells, Itaúna transforms into a left pointbreak.

Filipe Toledo's Perfect 10 at Oi Rio Pro1:14Toledo lands massive air for the first 10-point ride in Round 4 of the Oi Rio Pro.

With a medium-sized swell forecasted to bring 5-7' faces on the first day of the waiting period, the Seeding Round is expected to run June 20th.

Barrinha has a slightly narrower swell window than Itaúna. A fickle and powerful righthanded bowl turns on when larger swells from the south-south southeast start to pulse the sandbank is good. Barrinha also works well on southwest swells.

Despite a heavy Brazilian presence on Tour, Filipe Toledo and Adriano de Souza are the only Brazilian surfers to win the Oi Rio Pro in the last 20 years. Toledo is the reigning champ and put on a dominating performance last year, he even earned a perfect 10. 2015 World Champion Adriano de Souza won the event in 2011 and 2017.


This event will mark De Souza's return to competition after sustaining a knee injury last year at the MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal. De Souza has under gone several surgeries and physical training in the interim and will return to the Tour healthy and hungry for a solid result.

For two decades, goofyfooters have had a rough go at the Oi Rio Pro. Kalani Robb was the last one to win the event back in 2000. Italo Ferreira is currently the highest ranked goofy and sits in the number three spot on the Jeep Leaderboard, could he break the curse?

John Florence will enter the event with the Jeep Leader jersey. Florence is having the best start to a Title campaign in his career with his two event wins so far. Numbers also show that he's the most dominating surfer while ranked in the number one spot.

Kolohe Andino Lands Round 3 Air0:25The Californian earns an 7.33, taking the win over Willian Cardoso in Round 3 Heat 4 of the Oi Rio Pro.

A CT win has eluded Tour veteran Kolohe Andino for eight years. His two runner-up finishes so far this season have shown he's hungry to end the dry spell. He'll enter the event in the number two ranked spot.

Let's talk women. While Tyler Wright has the most Rio wins, three to be exact, she's unfortunately still sidelined by illness. Sally Fitzgibbons' surfing has resonated most successfully in Rio. Fitzgibbons has two wins and two runner-up finishes since 2011. She'll start the event in the number four spot on the Jeep Leaderboard.

Stephanie Gilmore is carrying a lot of momentum going into the event. The 7x World Champion is the defending Oi Rio Pro champ, the reigning World Champion and currently sits at the top of Jeep Leaderboard. There's a narrow point margin separating her from the rest of the field, so she'll need a solid result to hold on to the Jeep Leader jersey.

Lakey Peterson is coming off her win at Margaret River and will be looking to back up her incredible performance. Peterson was the runner-up at the 2018 Oi Rio Pro after a hard-fought Final with Gilmore.

With swell on its way, the 2019 Oi Rio Pro is sure to be a high-performance affair. May he and she with the most speed, power and flow win.

Watch the Oi Rio Pro live daily June 20 - 28 on Worldsurfleague.com, App and Facebook.




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Le migliori spiagge da surf in Brasile


Tra le tante esperienze che si possono vivere nel corso di un viaggio in Brasile, i più sportivi apprezzeranno certamente la possibilità di cavalcare le onde.
Prima o poi, ogni surfista che si rispetti inizia ad accarezzare l’idea di organizzare un viaggio nel Paese carioca, proprio per provare l’ebrezza della tavola sulle increspature e sulle onde.

Persino chi non è capace di cimetarsi in questo sport, una volta arrivato in Brasile non potrà fare a meno di fermarsi ad ammirare le evoluzioni dei surfisti, lasciando così trascorrere del tempo sulla spiaggia: è sempre un gran bel vedere!Che siate super sportivi in grado di dominare la potenza delle acque o che invece siate “semplici” viaggiatori alla scoperta di questi luoghi da sogno, questo post vi potrà essere utile per scoprire le 5 località migliori dove poter fare surf in Brasile.Sono tutti luoghi decisamente spettacolari e quindi meritevoli di essere visitati e apprezzati, inserendoli in un itinerario di vacanza.
Questo post non vuole stilare nessuna classifica ma semplicemente dare delle informazioni utili: le località verranno quindi elencate senza alcuna presunzione di poter assegnare un primo posto.

Partiremo dunque da Praia da Pipa un vero paradiso tropicale nel nord est del Brasile che con la sua natura incontaminata e le lunghe onde sui reef vi faranno vivere delle ferie indimenticabili, alla sera potrete divertirvi in mezzo a molti giovani nei locali e ristoranti nel piccolo e sicuro centro del villaggio con turisti da tutto il mondo sara facile fare nuove amicizie dopo un bella giornata surfando nelle acque calde del nostro oceano.

Rio de Janeiro, nonchè una delle mete più visitate in assoluto del paese.
Probabilmente, tra le varie spiagge di Rio, la più suggestiva dove poter fare surf è quella di Grumari perché, oltre a godere di una esposizione invidiabile di correnti, cela un ambiente protetto in cui la natura – con la sua vegetazione tra le rocce – dà effettivamente spettacolo. Il merito è probabilmente attribuibile al fatto che si tratta di un’area isolata.
I surfisti più spericolati potranno trovare pane per i loro denti sulla spiaggia di Prainha, dove si infrangono onde davvero molto alte; altra location in cui darsi appuntamento con la tavola è la classica ma sempre attuale Copacabana.Sposatandoci da Rio, la prossima meta – tra le predilette dai surfisti in Brasile – è Florianopolis: è una delle città più belle e all’avanguardia del paese. In particolare, gli amanti delle onde si danno appuntamento fisso sulla spiaggia di Joaquina, anche perché proprio qui si svolge una tappa del Campionato Mondiale di Surf. Riconoscimento migliore non potrebbe esistere per una località naturalmente vocata agli sport acquatici!
Molto interessanti in tal senso sono anche le spiagge di Campeche e di Praia Mole.

La terza località da segnalare tra i luoghi in Brasile perfetti per fare surf è l’Isola di Santa Catarina, afferente sempre al territorio di Florianopolis. A prescindere da ciò, merita una segnalazione a parte poiché si tratta davvero di un luogo di straordinaria bellezza.
Essendo inoltre un’isola piuttosto grande, le coste sono differenti tra loro e così anche le onde: si va da acque moderatamente “placide” a cavalloni di una ragguardevole altezza ed intensità. Come dire: ad ognuno la sua acqua per sperimentare prodezze differenti.La quarta zona da segnare in agenda è quella relativa alla costa di São Paulo ed in particolare nell’area più a nord: di spiagge ce ne sono davvero molte ma tra le più gettonate tra i surfisti ci sono Itamambuca e, ad una decina di chilometri di distanza, Ubatuba.Chiudiamo questo post inserendo in questa sorta di piccola guida alle migliori spiagge dove fare surf in Brasile la località di Itacarè.
Questa zona a sud di Bahia è stata a lungo molto isolata, per via del fatto che fino alla fine degli anni ’90 non esisteva un’arteria di comunicazione stradale diretta: ciò ha consentito alla natura tropicale di crescere generosa e forte, regalandone la visuale a pochi turisti e a gente del posto.
Sono però numerosi gli spot amati dai surfisti, per via del fatto che le acque qui sanno essere impetuose e le correnti sono tali da riuscire a generare onde veloci.
I più esperti sapranno divertirsi quindi a Tiririca, anch’essa località selezionata quale tappa del Campionato Mondiale di Surf; ancora, si potrà provare anche la spiaggia do Resende.
Per i surfisti alle prime armi, invece, si consiglia la spiaggia di Rebeira, considerando il fatto che qui le onde si presentano più dolci.Le alternative per provare il brivido tra le onde in Brasile sono decisamente tante ma d’altronde è l’intero paese a saper offrire paesaggi spettacolari: inizia ad accarezzare il sogno di regalarti un viaggio memorabile

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Online Surf or Sup Coaching session


An Easy Way to get a fast surf evolution with an ISA Certifieds Coach


Providing solutions to your surfing problems.

• Discover your weaknesses
• Side by side comparisons with a pro
• Goals of progression
• Wave by wave comments and annotations

Surf Video Analysis is the only way to really improve your surfing. Until you see yourself on video, it’s impossible to really know what you look like and more importantly what you’re doing wrong. If your really serious about improving your overall performance video analysis is a must.


A professional surf coach of our Team certificate from ISA with experience of helping thousands of students of all ages and abilities reach their surfing and fitness goals.


X1 Pack $ 50

X3 Pack $130

X5 Pack $230


Developing Surfers:
Surfers starting to learn the basic moves of surfing and wanting to fast track their development

Established Surfers:
Surfers who are searching for answers on how to improve moves they perform inconsistently or wanting to learn new ones

Competitive Surfers:
Competitive surfers wanting an opinion on how they could score higher in their competitive heats or wanting advice on how to structure their rides to maximize speed and flow


1. Get some footage of yourself, ideally three-six waves that represent some typical surfing. They don’t need to be edited as we want to see what goes wrong!

Note: this does not have to be the most high-quality footage, as long as we can see what you are doing.

2. Put together the clips of your surfing and upload the movie to either Vimeo or Youtube

3. Make your payment through the checkout page

4. Send us the Link of your video by email

5 . Receive your analysis video within 5 working days and get ready to start achieving your goals


international surfing association

international surfing association

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Wsl Teahupoo 2019 Surfing


It's game time as the 2019 Championship Tour rounds the bend and barrels into the back half of the season. The waiting period for the 2019 Tahiti Pro Teahupo'o presented by Hurley gets underway on August 21, and after an active summer season, there's a lot to look forward to.
Coming off a win at the Corona Open J-Bay, reigning World Champion and defending Tahiti Pro champion Gabriel Medina will be the man to beat. Since 2014, he's made four of the five finals and won two of them. This is typically where he locks into focus and makes his World Title runs. Sitting in seventh on the Jeep leaderboard, it's a prime opportunity for Medina to vault himself up the ratings

That being said, 11x World Champion Kelly Slater is the winningest surfer of all time at Teahupo'o and appears to be in great form at the moment. Claiming five titles in Tahiti in 2000, his last CT win came in 2016 at the End of the Road. In both 2005 and 2016 Slater surfed perfect, 20-point heats at Teahupo'o.
Currently ranked 8 on the Jeep leaderboard, like Medina, Slater will be looking to get himself into a position where he can chase the World Title at season's end. Added motivation comes in from his chances to potentially bolster his shot at qualifying for the 2020 Olympic Games.
Medina and Slater are both playing chase to current ratings leader Kolohe Andino. Over the years Andino has had a fair amount of success at Teahupo'o. First competing in the contest in 2013, where he lost out in Round 2, Andino's only missed surfing on Finals day once since then. He currently holds a slim 565-point lead over World Number 2 Filipe Toledo.
First ridden in 1985, seemingly every year Teahupo'o grows in both notoriety and infamy. The civilian world got its first glimpse of what Teahupo'o is capable of in 1998 during the Gotcha Tahiti Pro. Koby Abberton beat Conan Hayes in a heated Final.

The first Championship Tour event was held at Teahupo'o 1999. The following year, local surfer Briece Taerea was killed surfing there on a 15-foot day. Four months later, Laird Hamilton made history when he was towed into an 18-foot slab that essentially redefined what's ridable. An image of the wave landed on the cover of Surfer Magazine, which simply read, "Oh my god!"
On August 28, 2011, the epic "Code Red" swell caused the contest to be put on hold while a handful of the world's most elite big-wave surfers rode some of the craziest waves in the history of surfing. Nathan Fletcher made the cover of seven different international surf magazines and won the Billabong XXL Ride of the Year and Monster Tube award.
But Teahupo'o is not always death defying. At three feet it's a perfect left-hander that runs down the colorful reef, allowing for high-performance maneuvers. By six-foot the West Bowl starts working and it just gets increasingly more heavy from there. Because of the unique shape of the reef, the wave can hold surf all the way up to 20 to 25 feet. The ideal swell direction is from the south or southwest.
Thanks to the Passe Havae, which has been carved out of the reef by centuries of freshwater runoff from the mountains, the wave is capable of holding its shape regardless of the size of the swell. It grows in girth and power, but it seldom closes out like other big-wave breaks.
3x World Champion Andy Irons distinguished himself here and was widely regarded as the "King of Teahupo'o." Today, the annual CT contest hands out the Andy Irons Award for the surfer that charged the hardest and with the most conviction.
The trials for the 2019 Tahiti Pro presented by Hurely will take place between August 16-18. A one-day event, the 32-man contest will award two spots Wildcards into the main event. The current swell forecast for the trials is impressive to say the least.
Stay tuned to WorldSurfLeague.com and the WSL app for all the latest news and action from the Tahiti Pro presented by Hurley.


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Freshwater Pro Presented by Outerknown WSL


Unique to all other events on the Championship Tour, the leaderboard format at the Freshwater Pro presented by Outerknown will challenge surfing's elite as the stakes of a World Title amp up the pressure to perform

The official explainer of this year's Freshwater Pro pres. by Outerknown.
Heat strategy is turned on its head as each surfer will take to the water alone, where traditional elements of competition like critical wave selection and the use of priority against a fellow competitor do not apply.
The leaderboard format will give fans and competitors a real-time assessment of how any particular surfer stacks up against the rest of the field after each wave surfed.
This format gives each surfer the opportunity to showcase their skills by either perfecting or improvising their run on a consistent field of play.
Men's Round of 36: 
• 36 men will surf in 6 heats, each containing 6 surfers.
• Standard event seeding will be used to determine the Heat Draw.
• In each heat, surfers ride 2 lefts and 2 rights.
• Surfers will count their best left and best right as their total score.
• Total scores count toward each heat, and the leaderboard for the Round of 36.

Men's Bonus Round:
• 24 men will surf one additional left and right in the Bonus Round.
• The 1st and 2nd place finishers from each heat will be eligible for bonus waves.
• The next top 12 surfers on the leaderboard will also be eligible for bonus waves.
• The Bonus Round awards high-performing surfers by offering them two more waves to try and improve their overall score.
• After the Bonus Round, the leaderboard for the Round of 36 will be finalized, and the top 8 surfers on the will qualify for the Final.

Women's Round of 18: 

  • 18 women will surf in 3 heats, each containing 6 surfers.
  • Standard event seeding will be used to determine the Heat Draw.
  • In each heat, surfers ride 2 lefts and 2 rights.
  • Surfers will count their best left and best right as their total score.
  • Total scores count toward each heat, and the leaderboard for the Round of 18.


Bonus Round: 

  • 12 women will surf one additional left and right in the Bonus Round.
  • The 1st and 2nd place finishers from each heat will be eligible for bonus waves.
  • The next top 6 surfers on the leaderboard will also be eligible for bonus waves.
  • The Bonus Round awards high-performing surfers by offering them two more waves to try and improve their overall score.
  • After the Bonus Round, the leaderboard for the Round of 18 will be finalized, and the top 4 surfers on the will qualify for the Final.


Women's Final: 

  • 4 women will surf in the Final, starting with a fresh leaderboard.
  • New seeding will see the top scoring surfer from the Round of 18 surf last in the Final, the second-place surfer from the Round of 18 will surf second-to-last and so on.
  • Each finalist will surf 2 lefts and 2 rights.
  • Surfers will count their best left and best right as their total score.
  • Bottom 2 finishers are eliminated (with an equal 3rd place).
  • The top 2 finishers receive one bonus left and right to try and improve their overall score and as their last chance to win.



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